Theo Godson is available for speaking, interviews, podcasts and specialized trainings

Press and Media

Theo Godson is available for speaking, interviews, podcasts and specialized trainings

Press and Media

Some Notable Features

Theo Godson with Aham Rochas jpg

The Guardian News

Click Image To Read Full Story

Theo Godson with Osasu Igbinedion jpg

Vanguard News

Theo Godson with Eddie Madaki jpg


Some International Features

Theo Godson Rainmaker Picture png

Media Bio

Rising from the ashes of bankruptcy, Theo Godson launched the Million Dollar Journey as an opportunity for other entrepreneurs to join his journey to success and financial freedom, gaining access to behind the scenes of his own experiences, strategies and successes.

With over 12 years of experience across business development, branding, marketing, and management, Theo Godson continues to serve entrepreneurs and business owners as a consultant, coach and mentor.

He's the founder of 3 privately held businesses and he devotes his operations, skills and resources to helping other entrepreneurs grow and scale successfully, with ease.

Approved Photos

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